Kandidati morajo izpolnjevati naslednje pogoje:
- Srednješolska izobrazba
- Aktivno znanje angleškega in italijanskega jezika
- Dobro poznavanje dela z računalnikom
- Vozniški izbit B kategorije
- Prednost imajo kandidati s poznavanjem dela v koprskem pristanišču
- Zaposlitev je za določen čas, od 19.6.2017 do 31.01.2018 s trimesečnim poskusnim delom.
Zaposlitev je za polni delovni èas z dvoizmenskim urnikom.
Kandidati naj prošnjo z življenjepisom pošljejo do 12.6.2017 po e-pošti na
Koper, 8.6.2017
DATE: 30.04.2013 – Pacorini Koper, the EPCA member.
Being the leading logistic company in Slovenia specialized for handling and storing polymers, we have applied for the membership at the EPCA – European Petrochemical Association. As of today we became a full member of this non profit association.
The EPCA is the platform where producers of petrochemicals, their suppliers, customers and service providers meet and exchange information.
DATE: 15.06.2011 – New silo truck loading machine is installed!
We are always striving to improve our handling operations and to offer our clients more than expected.
In order to comply with 0 impurity standard for loading of plastic granulate, we have recently acquired a new machine. The machine will enable faster loading of silo trucks and minimize the risk of impurities getting into contact with the material. Pacorini Koper is now the only logistic company in port of Koper that can guarantee its clients loading of silo trucks with plastic granulate without impurities.
DATE: 25.10.2010 – One of the first logistic companies in Slovenia with the AEO certificate!
We are proud to announce that we have successfully obtained the AEO certificate. Pacorini Koper is one of the first logistic companies in Slovenia to be certified as an Authorised Economic Operator. This certificate brings several benefits and simplifications to the customs procedures such as:
– world-wide recognition as safe and secure business partners in international trade;
– lower risk score in risk analysis systems;
– reduced levels of risk controls;
– priority treatment in case of physical controls;
– reduced data requirements set out for entry and exit summary declarations (Security and safety certificate only);
– better position with regard to simplified procedures